Friday, April 29, 2011

Cancer level is coming down

I found out today that my CA125 is now at 182. Remember, 35 and under is normal but mine had gotten up to 353. It's good to know the chemo is working. I'm just going to keep praying that this trend continues and it gets lower and lower!

Today I went on a field trip with Rachel Rose's class to Elachee Nature Center in Gainesville. I've been there before and knew what I was getting into as far as the long nature hike. But I went anyway. Rachel Rose was so excited to have me there. But I have to admit, it just about killed me!!! By the time I got home and took my medicine, I was practically paralyzed on the couch! I've never been much of a hiker anyway. Now I can rest assured, cancer has not changed me there in the least - not so much the naturalist!

So, I am going to bed now. They are replaying the royal wedding on GPB and it does look absolutely beautiful. But I've now seen the dress, seen the kiss, I'm done. Goodnight, everyone!!

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