Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Meal calendar is up

My sister, Jan, has the meal calendar up and running. You can follow this link,, and login or create an account. There are dates highlighted where you can sign up to bring a meal. Back in the summer, when we did this before, I would leave a large cooler on my front porch. People would drop the food off in case I wasn't home or wasn't feeling up to answering the door. It worked really well. I couldn't believe all the delicous food we received!!! And it was a huge help not to have to cook.

Also, someone mentioned donating gift cards. Of course that is always appreciated! You can even mail them to my address. It's here posted on the blog to the right.

I appreciate all the offers to help. I will definitely be taking you all up on them at some point. John will be going back to work in NC next week and his time at home will be limited. My mom and sister are close, but Mom has her own cancer to deal with and my sister has her plate full with me and Mom! Oh yeah, and her job and two kids!! So I truly appreciate all of you!!!

I was able to get my first chemo treatment moved up to this Friday. So, instead of waiting until Tuesday, I get to start before the weekend. John is still able to go with me. I'm hoping it's uneventful and quick!!


DJ said...

I'm taking Thursdays in March, except for the last one, since I will be moving that week. I'll keep a check on the calendar, and cook more if you need me to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda, Marty gave me your blog address, and I am happy I can keep up with you. I know your Pre-K Team and your children miss you, but you have to take care of yourself and your family! Take care and know you are in my daily prayers for God's healing.
Judy (Ga. Pre-K)