Just got back from chemo and as usual it was long and icky. I already feel a little queasy and promptly ate a lemon as soon as I walked in the door. Gonna be a rough patch for a few days now. Hope it goes by quickly.
So I have 3 weeks until my next and LAST treatment. Then a couple weeks after that, I'll get scanned again to see if I can be through or if I need more treatment. I'll say it right now, if he suggests I continue chemo I'm gonna need a straightjacket - because that will absolutely send me over the edge!!!!
But I am trusting in God to show me my path and I know he will protect me on my journey whatever it may be.
I'm attaching a picture for your enjoyment. Rachel Rose drew it - it's me and her and Penny, the dog! Don't you like my scarf!!
By the way, we are looking for a home for our other dog, Cisco. He and Penny together are just too much for me to handle. I'll attach his picture, too. Please feel free to pass his photos around along with my email, young1710@comcast.net
Thanks so much! Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely fall weather!
Yay! Hang in there, girl! Have you decided on a tattoo yet? :-) Let me know if you need anything! The kids missed you today!
You're so close! I know you can do it, and you'll finish with flair! Tell RR that the picture is terrific!!!
I'm so excited that you only have one more. I posted Cisco's pic on my facebook, hoping someone would jump! We're praying for super results!
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