Saturday, October 9, 2010

Not much is new

Not too much new is happening with me . . . we did find a new home for Cisco and so we are down to one dog, Penny. We've been able to keep her inside and it's working out really well. She's a sweetheart!

I made it through the ickies of my last treatment and went back to work this past week. I am fighting a chest cold of some kind and have had a horrible cough the past few days. I had to leave work early on Thursday and then Friday was pretty miserable. But today is Saturday and I plan on resting up this weekend, so I'll be good to go for next week. One more week of work, then one more week off for treatment, then I should be able to start back to normal.

The girls and I have been enjoying this great weather and getting ready for Halloween. So far we have watched Halloweentown I, Halloweentown II, and Halloweentown High . . . AND they are all on DVR so I'm sure we'll be watching them quite a bit more!!! Gotta love the Disney Channel! John is still in NC until December, but we are planning to go up and visit next weekend. We have only been able to go up twice this season, normally we go up every weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing the mountains in the fall, they never fail to impress!

Well, our objective today is to find Halloween costumes . . . if there are any left! Wish us luck!!

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