Okay, I have had enough! One treatment, that's it for me, thanks! I feel like I have had the worst case of the flu EVER! The nausea, the headache, the body aches, the feeling of being hit by a truck - I hate it!! Add to it, the hot flashes, the itching skin - get me off this ride!!!
If you have ever been through chemo before, you now have my utmost respect and admiration. We should not call you 'cancer' survivors, but 'CHEMO' survivors. I was beginning to feel really good after my surgery and if that had been all I needed, I would've breezed through this cancer stuff. But it's the chemo that is killing me. I just keep saying it will be all worth it. When I'm 70 years old watching my grandkids play, I'll be glad I went through this. But right now . . . . it's not fun!
I saw the dr yesterday and my incision is almost well. I can finally take a bath. Maybe that will help with the itches and aches. He also gave me a hormone patch for the menopause symptoms. Since estrogen alone will cause the endometriosis to grow back, he gave me a patch with progesterone added. It should be safe, but of course I will always worry about it coming back and turning into cancer again. I've got to trust him, though. He is the cancer doctor!
I go next week for blood tests, and again the next week. Then the third week, I'm back on the 'chemo-coaster'! I'd rather be at Six Flags!
I am so sorry that the chemo is the good guy, bad guy! Dealing with my breast cancer my biggest fear was not losing my breast but the chemo. I was blessed that I did not have to experience that part of the journey. Please remember that this is Gods path for you now. Keep your faith and know lots of people are praying for you.
Trenda Curran
Hang in there.... this is the uphill part of the battle but I promise you the view from the top is worth it! :-)
YUCK! You can do it, though!!!!!! We're behind you 100% and lifting you in prayer daily.
Baby Girl, I'm sorry that you are fighting this battle, but you're right about how good it feels when you're better. Your identify changes, you realize just how strong you are and you learn to trust more and you learn how important friends and family are and you learn not to take things for granted. We are a great family. Jan is super, isn't she? She knows exactly when to step in. This weekend was such a blessing for you - you even sounded better Sunday afternoon. Remember, I'm always here - could be a good thing, could be a bad thing - and I love you very much. I am so proud of you.
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