Monday, October 22, 2007

Over the hump!

I am feeling much better at last! In fact, yesterday and today were almost back to normal. My incredible sister kept my girls over the weekend since John stayed in NC to work. So I had a chance to rest up and stayed drugged! :) Today, I actually felt like doing some housecleaning. Not fun, but much better than what I've been dealing with! Thank you to everyone who has given me encouragement with your messages. I couldn't get through this without cheerleaders!!!

And I want to tell those of you who have called me and had to leave messages - I am sorry I haven't returned your calls yet. My moments of feeling good are used right now catching up on things around the house. But I will call you back soon! I can't begin to express how grateful I am to have such caring people in my life!!!


Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

I am so glad to hear you're feeling better, Melinda! Smiles and hugs your way!!!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking about you and hoping this gets easier ... I can not tell you how very much I hate this for you ...

Alicia said...

Great news! It's wonderful to hear that you're feeling much better. I hope it continues!