Thursday, October 20, 2011

In the hospital

Well, I'm here in the hospital . . . I had another severe stomach attack last Wednesday and went to the ER. The ER dr. could feel the hard lump in the upper right side of my abdomen, so he did an ultrasound (I hadn't heard back yet from Dr. Cameron's), then a CT scan. Turns out it is my duodenum that is inflamed. Dr. Cameron was contacted as well as Dr. Salmieri to see what can be done about it. In the meantime, they admitted me so they could manage the pain. I was actually really happy about it, I did not want to go home and have another attack with no way of relief. I compared the pain to labor, worst pain in my life! No amount of Rx pain meds were working. IV Dilaudid was my saving grace!

So for the past 2 days I have felt wonderful, practically pain-free! They are not sure what has caused the inflamed duodenum, but a general surgeon has been consulted to see what kind of treatment I should have. I have not met with him yet. Possibly, they will start with IV antibiotics. But surgery is not out of the question.

John has been with me for the past week and a half. I did have my chemo treatment on the 12th and then a Neulasta shot the next day. It has been wonderful to have him home, but I know he needs to get back to work soon. I am just so grateful to everyone who has made sacrifices so that he can be off. God bless you!

Now for the bad news . . . on Wednesday morning we called mom to come over and help with the girls so John could take me to the ER. I knew mom had been really exhausted the night before and it wasn't safe for her to be driving. But it was 5am and she was the only one I could think of. She made it over just fine. Then, to our surprise, Jan arrived right behind her. Mom had called her and probably Jan thought mom wasn't up to helping either and just wanted to be there, too. So they helped get the girls to school and John and I got ready to head to the ER. Mom was REALLY tired and we tried to get her to lie down and take a nap before she headed back home. But she seemed to think she'd be alright and decided to go ahead. I asked Jan to follow her to make sure she made it. Well, apparently Mom nodded off and drove off the road. She hit a phone pole and turned the car over. Despite how bad the accident was, she was okay - Thank you, Lord! Jan was right there and took her to the hospital. The car is probably totalled. After staying a night at the hospital (Gwinnett Medical, not Northside where I am), she was allowed to go home. But she is in a lot of pain. Her front hit the steering wheel and she is really bruised up.

So, needless to say, we have a lot on our plates at the moment! Poor John and Jan are the only healthy ones able to help and they are totally overwhelmed! Jan is still dealing with her divorce and trying to care for her kids solo, and manage her full-time job! It just doesn't seem real that this much misfortune could hit one family all at once like this. Praying for God to give us strength!

Please keep us all in your prayers and ask God to hold us up with His immeasurable grace. We will be okay, I know it. I just wish it wasn't so hard and didn't take so long!


JeanAnn said...

want me to get the girls tomorrow afternoon?
Jean Ann

Dana B. said...

Continued prayers for all of you.

Kim J. said...

Wow, you guys have really been through it! I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Caroline is SUCH an awesome little girl! I'm so impressed with how well she is handling all of this-she's a very special girl and I love her lots! PLEASE do not hesitate to ask if you need my help with anything! I am here!

W. Patrick Queen said...

God hath not promised skies always blue;Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;God hath not promised sun without rain,Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day,Rest for the labor, light for the way;Grace for the trials, help from above,Unfailingsympathy, undying love.
God hath not promised we shall not know toil and temptation, trouble and woe;He hath not told us we shall not bear many a burden, many a care.

May His Strength Be Sufficent to Meet Your Every Need....We're praying REAL HARD......WPQ