Saturday, January 29, 2011

And now . . . PNEUMONIA!

I've gotten through shingles and cyberknife, got back to work, thought I was on the mend. Now, pneumonia! After feeling progressively worse over the last few weeks, I finally went to my primary dr last Monday. My symptoms were a dry, hacky cough, extreme fatigue, and upset stomach. He did a chest x-ray and didn't like what he saw and wanted me to show it to my oncologist on Wednesday. Dr. S wasn't able to view it, but did have my blood test results. My CA125 is up to 59. Worst case scenario - the cancer is in my lungs. He is going to do a PET scan at the beginning of February (next week).

BUT THEN . . . I got a message from my primary and he said the radiologist looked at my chest x-ray and said I have pneumonia. I actually was relieved because that would explain all my symptoms, even the high CA125. So, now I'm on a steroid and antibiotic and go back in 10 days. Dr. S will probably want to wait until this is cleared up before doing the PET. I hope it's soon . . . and I hope it turns out clear!

I am trying to take it easy and trying to take care of myself. I'm realizing how susceptible I am to catching all this stuff, and I'm trying to be smart about it. Health first!


DJ said...

Have you STOPPED working, I hope?
You can't afford to be around all the kid germs in the daycare.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda,

I was diagnosed with Ovarian 1c an year back. I read all your blogs. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I didn't read much about diet in your blogs. So I thought I will share what I have been following:

Hope these will help.

Atlanta Plastic Surgeon said...

It will be hard fighting the disease...but keep good hope.There is improved medication and since the diagnosis has come along you will be on the treatment process which should work positive on your body.