Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yes, you're in the right place!

Just playing around with the blogger design templates and now I can't go back the original. This one's kinda pretty, I think I'll keep it for a while!


Becca Lynn said...

Well that woke me up this morning . . . turning Hippie Chick on your blog huh? I've been out of touch online the last couple of weeks but Mama has kept me up to date. (Work travel mostly . . .) Anyway . . . wanted to stop by and say hey. I sent a message out to my "praying friends" on Faceback and you wouldn't believe the response I've gotten. They are praying and continue to ask for updates. I haven't had a chance to email or call Jan yet but I will after I get home Monday. I love ya'll . . . have a Fabulous Fourth!

ABOUT US said...

Hippie Chick - that's me!!! Thanks for checking in and thanks for reaching out to your "Faceback" friends! :) I'm feeling better every day. Too bad I have to go back for more tomorrow - waahhhh!!! Have a good fourth yourself! Peace! :)