Monday, December 5, 2011

4th chemo done, scans coming up

I had my 4th infusion of Doxil today. Everything went well. John came with me and all was done in time for us to pick up the girls off the bus. I did see Dr. Salmieri, too. He noticed how bad I was feeling and how much weight I've lost. The plan is to get another CA125 drawn, have a PET scan done and meet again with the gastro/surgical doctors. There are still lumps in my abdomen and I've still got the tenderness and pain. There has GOT to be something there! I just can't believe they can't find it. I'm ready for exploratory surgery at this point!

We're hoping to have results from all these tests in a couple of weeks. If we decide the Doxil is no longer working, he wants to possibly switch me to another chemo. I'm not real excited about this because I'm starting to think the chemo might be doing more damage than the cancer. I mean, I have been on some sort of chemo for the past 19 months with only a 3 month break. You gotta wonder how much poison a body can take!!

I'll post again when we have more news. In the meantime, we are all getting excited about Christmas and enjoying hanging out together. On my good days, I'm able to get outside for a little while, maybe have John take me to the store and use the "scooter" to look around a little. Walking any distance is a challenge and I have to take frequent breaks. I do have my own handicap sticker now, so I'm official!

We actually went downtown this past weekend to see the Grinch at the Fox. It was soooo much fun. Our nosebleeds seats were a nightmare to get to, but I made it to them without losing consciousness! I don't want to stop making memories just because I have cancer! I'm going to do what I can do, as much as I can do, for as long as I can do it!! My girls deserve the memories.

I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing time of year and making memories of your own!!

1 comment:

Susan Mullinax said...

So glad to hear from you. Hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving. You hang in there Gal. I'll continue to pray for you and your family. I love ya'll!
Have a Blessed Christmas with your loved ones,

"Casting all your care upon Him: for He careth for you: 1Peter 5:7